In San Marino there will be a seminar on modified asphalts promoted by the University of San Marino and AALSP and organised in collaboration with the Engineers’ Associations of the city of Rimini. 4 Professional Training Credits shall be given to the accredited engineers.



Use of SBR rubber powder from End-of-Life Tyres (ELTs): technologies of production, technical specifications and experiences of applications at national and international level

18th April 2019, at 8.30
Sala Montelupo, P.zza F. da Sterpeto, 3
47895 Domagnano (Republic of San Marino)

Al seminario sugli asfalti modificati di San Marino mancano:








Organised by Ecopneus, the University of the Studies of the Republic of San Marino and the State’s Autonomous Company for Public Works (Azienda Autonoma di Stato per i Lavori Pubblici – AASLP) of the Republic of San Marino, in collaboration with the Engineers’ Association of Rimini, the event is addresses to designers, managing bodies, and builders of the road sector.

The seminar will see the attendance of productive bodies that deal with the evolution of the transformation procedures, and Public Bodies involved in the designing and management of the works. The aim of this seminar is to offer motivational and management suggestions, as well as evaluations on the efficacy of the creation of SBR-modified asphalts years after their installation.

The seminar wants to create a network to stimulate the exchange of knowledge among the various players of the long road chain (strategic-management bodies, design, production, building and maintenance management), with the aim of raising the awareness on the use of innovative technologies and materials such as SBR-modified asphalts. Indeed, these asphalts allow important functional and environmental benefits, offering a wide range of all the current modalities of use available on the national territory.

Indeed, SBR-modified bitumen and bituminous conglomerates allow a consistent reduction of the noise generated by the rolling of tyres, auseful life of the road surface that is up to three times longer compared to traditional asphalts, a greater resistance to the creation of cracks and potholes, and greater safety, thanks to its optimal adherence and water drainage. Such advantages can already be found on over 470km of roads in Italy that have been made with this technology. The latter allows the Public Administration and Management Bodies to better invest their resources for road infrastructures. This implies great benefits in terms of quality of life and reduction of users’ discomfort.

 Free attendance, limited places. For info and registration, by 12th April:


The seminar lasts for 4 hours. Those who will have attended 100% of the hours, they will have the right to the awarding of 4 Professional Training Credits as per National Engineers’ Association (CNI) regulation. To obtain the Professional Training Credits, the engineers must register at:

Brochure of the Seminar of modified asphalts, Republic of San Marino 18th April 2019

Brochure  Engineers’ Association of the city of Rimini –Seminar of modified asphalts, Republic of San Marino 18th apr 2019


– 08.30 Enrolment

– 09.00 Authorities’ welcome: State Secretariat, AASLP

– 09.15 The use of SBR rubber recycled from tyres in the road sector: a long journey towards the circular economy; Mr. Daniele Fornai, Ecopneus

– 09.45 Asphalt Rubber bituminous conglomerates: an eco-friendly solution for all the layers of road surfaces: Engineer Stefano Broccardi Schelmi, Asphalt Rubber Italia

– 10.15 Sustainable Pavement Construction Policies to Address Simultaneously Global Warming and Billions of End of Life Tires; Dr. Jorge Sousa, FHL Group

– 10.45 the use of the dry technology for soundproofing surfaces: the case of S.P. 82 in the Province of Alessandria; Engineer Loretta Venturini, Iterchimica – Engineer Massimo Robiola, Province of Alessandria

– 11.15 Coffee break.

– 11.30 Conglomerates and slurry seals with low sound emission with modified bitumen (PmB) and rubber powder from ELTs; Mr. Massimo Paolini, Valli Zabban

– 12.00 The Canali variant ten years after its inauguration: a Green Road; Engineer Valerio Bussei, Province of Reggio Emilia

– 12.30 Wear layer with rubber powder from ELTs: application on the viability of the City of Rimini; Engineer Alberto Dellavalle, Council of Rimini

with the contribution of:  Engineer Stefano Silvegni, Cooperativa Braccianti Riminese – Engineer Alex Celli, Pesaresi Costruzioni

– 13.00 The Life Nereide European project: evaluation of the acoustic performances of the surfaces with rubber powders; Professor Gaetano Licitra, University of Pisa

– 13.30 final thoughts and discussion

Engineer Andrea Grilli, University of the Studies of the Republic of San Marino