The presentation of the Report “The Illegal flows of tyres and ELTs in Italy: figures, scenarios, and proposals” will be held in Rome on Tuesday, 21st January at 11:00 at the Sala Auditorium of the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, at 174, via Capitan Bavastro.

Over two years of efforts, investigations, and confrontation with the common objective of investigating the causes of some criticalities that are still present in a sector of excellence in waste management – the one of end-of-life tyres – which guarantees the correct recovery of about 350,000 tonnes of ELTs in Italy every year.

The event shall present the data and information of the Final Report, and the picture of the dynamics of illegality the sector is facing will be drawn. For these issues, it is fundamental to have a dialogue with the Ministry of the Environment. This is a unique experience at national level: a whole chain has been activated; the collaboration of all the main players; over 50,000 companies involved; and a whistleblowing platform, “CambioPulito”, for the anonymous reporting of cases of illegality and irregularities. This platform has, indeed, collected data and drawn a clear picture of the situation in Italy: from the sale of tyres, to the management of their end of life.


The illegal flows of tyres and ELTs in Italy– Programme


The Minister of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, Gen. Sergio Costa 

Enrico FontanaCoordinator of the Observatory on the illegal flows of tyres and ELTs
Stefano CiafaniNational President of Legambiente
Giovanni Corbetta General Manager of Ecopneus
Enrico AmbrogioPresident of EcoTyre
Roberto BiancoPresident of Greentire
Alessandro AngelonePresident of Confartigianato Autoriparazione
Antonella GrassoNational Supervisor of CNA for Tyre Dealers
Giancarlo VeronesiPresident of Federpneus
Stefano CarloniPresident of Airp
Fabio BertolottiManager of Assogomma


Per info e adesione:

Segreteria Organizzativa – T. 06 97799721  M. 342 7460159

Segreteria Organizzativa