Ecopneus will be among the protagonists sharing its good practices of environmental reporting. The appointment is on 10th October in Rome.
“The green economy in non-financial reporting” is the title of the convention that will be held in Rome on 10th October at the “Sala del Tempio di Adriano”, in Piazza di Pietra. The meeting has been organised by the Foundation for Sustainable Development with the support of Itelyum and in partnership with Italy’s Global Compact Network. It will be a moment dedicated to review the current state of non-financial reporting in Italy. In particular, the topic will be dealt with from the point of view of the green economy, and specifically focusing on the modalities and the quality of reporting of companies’ performances and environmental commitment.
The companies will take part in the “Smart talks” panel. During this panel the companies will be invited to share their own good practices and experience on non-financial reporting. Daniele Fornai, Head of Operations of Ecopneus, will show how, by the means of the calculation modality developed by the Foundation for sustainable development, it is now possible to report the amounts of End-of-Life tyres that have effectively been recovered as material or energy in the Ecopneus chain. The Foundation for Sustainable Development has taken care of the scientific coordination of the Ecopneus sustainability reports since 2013. It has developed a calculation system that is not based on the “to-gate” conferrals, that is, the amount of ELTs entering the treatment or recovery plants, but on the effective downstream recovery of the treatment and the recovery processes.
During the day, the first investigation carried out on the environmental aspects discussed in the non-financial Statements of the Italian companies will also be presented: Edo Ronchi, President of the Foundation, will explain its main results. The study evaluates the effort towards an adequate reporting of green issues, by the means of the verification of specific points such as: the indicators of meaningful activities and targets. In particular, the following are taken into consideration: the reduction of emissions and energy efficiency, a circular management of materials and waste, the application of green procurement criteria and the protection of the capital of nature and biodiversity. Particular attention will be paid to the future of non-financial reporting, in the light of the new and challenging commitments within the scope of climate change, circular economy, and the protection of natural capital.
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