Started last April 11th, collection operations from old stocks continue without a break at Poviglio, in Reggio Emilia Province, where about 1,500 End of Life Tyres tons lied abandoned.
Entirely funded by Ecopneus, the resources necessary for the operations represent the final use of 2011 management surplus, and involved 3 of Ecopneus’ partner companies: Albatros Ecologia-Ambiente-Sicurezza, DIFE, and Settentrionale Trasporti.
As of April 29th, 2013, 38 are the missions performed by vehicles, collecting End of Life Tyreseither of small/medium type or big diameter. Part of the collected material was used for energy recovery, while the remaining part was used to produce shreds (i.e. rubber pieces whose dimensions are between 20 and 400 mm.) to be used as engineering material.
This represents the first collection from old stocks in 2013 (after those started and concluded in 2012 at Ferrara, Oristano, Olbia, and Buccino-SA), while another collection will start in Massa Carrara province soon.
Download here the press release about collections from Old Stocks 2012 (pdf form)
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