For the organisation, the management and the control of activities, Ecopneus has chosen the Model 231/2001 as its model of reference. This is the set of principles, procedures, and provisions issued by the Legislative Decree nr. 231 of 8th June 2001 on the penal responsibility of legal persons. To further assure the legality in the relationship with its stakeholders, Ecopneus has adopted a Code of Ethics to guide the actions and the behaviour of all those who are involved in the management of its activities. The control bodies include the Board of Auditors and the Supervisory Board. The Board of Auditors is in charge of verifying the compliance with all legal obligations, the rules set out in the Articles of Association and the truthfulness and correctness of the financial statements. The Supervisory Board, instead, is in charge of supervising the civil and penal responsibility of the administration.
Within the scope of this solid governance framework, the operative solution chosen by Ecopneus for the organisation of its activities of collection, transportation, and recovery of ELTs is the one of availing itself of a network of specialised companies selected on the market. The guidelines and the control of management in its strategic aspects are under the supervision of a restricted but highly qualified management structure. This is supported by a solid business intelligence system for the planning, monitoring, and traceability of the ELT flows managed. Ecopneus sees a further guarantee of efficiency and transparency towards its stakeholders in its choice of not possessing any productive asset and minimising its management structure. Indeed, the latter is supported by expert consultants in case of need. In other words, Ecopneus believes that not having to take into consideration any interest on the remuneration of the capital invested in the management of ELTs is of great value.