In witness of its great commitment in the course of the years, this page reports the prizes and awards Ecopneus has been awarded in its various areas of activity.

Asphalt Rubber Ambassador

Asphalt Rubber Ambassador 2015-2018

For the second time in a row, Ecopneus was nominated “Asphalt Rubber Ambassador” by the Rubber Pavements Association, the American non-profit organization that promotes the widest possible diffusion of asphalts containing recycled rubber powder at international level. Ecopneus had already been awarded the prestigious prize for the three-year period 2012-2015. The prize was then confirmed in Las Vegas during the 2015 RAR Conference, where Ecopneus was rewarded for its commitment in awareness raising and information about recycled rubber modified asphalts. Modified asphalts have been a concrete reality for over 50 years all over the world and they are now finding an ever greater space in Italy thanks to the high performances of this technology. Indeed, to this day, there are about 450 km/lanes made with rubberized asphalts in Italy and the citizens of 41 provinces all over Italy can benefit from them.

Social Footprint Certification – Product Social Identity

Social Footprint

May 2015
To give clear and transparent information that may guide the consumers’ purchasing choices towards socially and environmentally sustainable products. This is the objective of the “Social Footprint – Product Social Identity”, the first certification that evaluates the social footprint of products and services, valorising organization, people, production and chain.
Ecopneus is the main responsible for the recovery of End-of-Life Tyres in Italy. It has been the first company to be awarded the AAA level certification for its services, the maximum recognised standard. From now on, sports surfaces, street furniture elements, acoustic insulation materials, modified asphalts, waterproofing coatings, anti-shock floorings and all other products of the Ecopneus chain made in Italy with recycled rubber will possess an important certificate of ethical, environmental, and social sustainability along all the recovery process that has generated them.

SODALITAS AWARD for Corporate Sustainability

Sodalitas Award

May 2014
Sodalitas Social Award is the most prestigious national award for Corporate Sustainability. Its 12th edition has rewarded Ecopneus for its commitment in the Terra dei Fuochi (the so-called “Land of Fires”), rewarding “I choose the Right Way” in the category “Environmental Protection and Awareness”.
Organised with the Ministry of the Environment, the campaign complements an intervention of extraordinary collection of ELTs abandoned in the Terra dei Fuochi. The aim of this project is to take fuel away from the toxic fires of the territories between Naples and Caserta.
The Foundation Sodalitas has chosen to valorise the message sent out by this campaign: “if you buy them off the books, you kill your land”. This message aims at raising citizens’ awareness on the importance of legally buying tyres, thus assuring their correct recovery and interrupting the dumping chain that threatens the territory and the health of the population that lives in the Terra dei Fuochi.

ARETE PRIZE for Responsible Communication

ARETE PRIZE for Responsible Communication

November 2013
Collecting the tyres abandoned on the territory of the Terra dei Fuochi to recover them and to take “fuel” away used to start toxic waste fires; informing citizens and consumers that one feeds the phenomenon of the dumping by buying tyres off the books and, as a consequence, the phenomenon of toxic fires that damage the territory between Naples and Caserta and the local population’s health.
These are the objectives of the initiatives promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and by Ecopneus. Ecopneus has been awarded the Aretè Prize for Responsible Communication promoted by Nuvolaverde in collaboration with Confindustria and ABI. Ecopneus has won the category “public communication”, the journalists’ jury prize and the outright first prize.

Giovanni Spadolini ECO AND THE CITY AWARD

Giovanni Spadolini ECO AND THE CITY AWARD

November 2013
Ecopneus has won the prestigious “Award Eco and the City – Giovanni Spadolini for innovation” ” with the project “Low-Noise Asphalts from Trentino”, This project is aimed at increasing the awareness and knowledge of modified asphalts with recycled rubber from ELTs.
The coveted award is given to projects concerning the valorisation of the image as well as the attraction capacity of a territory. It is also awarded for the actions of protection and preservation of the environment and of the landscape, in order to guarantee a sustainable and compatible development, from an environmental point of view, without neglecting the virtuous and innovative companies.
The Award wants to remember the efforts of one of the most eminent Italian politicians of the XX Century, Giovanni Spadolini, who was effectively the founder of the Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage.

LEGAMBIENTE – 2013 Environment and Legality Award


July 2013
Legambiente has awarded the 2013 edition of the Environment and Legality Award to Ecopneus for its role in the rationalisation of the collection and management system of End-of-Life Tyres, bearing particular attention to legality and contrast to illicit trafficking at national and international level. These seriously impact on the environment and have economic repercussions on the recycling industry. The awarding was carried out during the XXV edition of Festambiente, an event organised by Legambiente, which was held from 9th to 18th August 2013 in Maremma’s Natural Regional Park.

GIPA – 2013 Excellence Trophy

GIPA – 2013 Excellence Trophy

May 2013
During the Autoprmotec 2013 Ecopneus was awarded the “GIPA’s excellency Trophy” for the category “Environmental Respect”. The non-profit company was recognised as the company that particularly distinguished itself for its contribution for environmental protection by the Italian repairmen and distributors interviewed by GIPA during the month of march 2013.
GIPA Italia created the “Excellence Trophies” in 1997. Year after year, they have become an important occasion for meeting and confrontation for the main players of the automotive aftermarket. The aim of the “Excellence Trophies” is to reward men, companies and projects that distinguished themselves in terms of Strategy, Development, Innovation, Drivers’ Assistance and Satisfaction, and Awareness Raising among the players of the sector.

2012 Sustainable Development Award

2012 Sustainable Development Award

November 2012
“Ecologic innovation of productive processes, goods and services that also has economical potentialities of spread and growth of the occupation”.These were the criteria used for selecting the candidates for the Sustainable Development Award that saw Ecopneus among the best 10 best Italian companies for the “waste and resources” sector.
The 2012 Sustainable Development Award was created by the Foundation for the Sustainable Development and by Ecomondo with the support of the President of the Republic. It is awarded every year to those companies that consider the environment one of the main factors for being competitive, that distinguish themselves for activities and plants that produce relevant environmental benefits, that have an innovative content, positive financial and occupational effects and that also have a potential of growth in three sectors: waste and resources, energy and mobility, innovative products and services with high environmental performances.

Asphalt Rubber Ambassador 2012 – 2015

Asphalt Rubber Ambassador 2012 - 2015

October 2012
During the 2012 Asphalt Rubber Conference, which was held in Munich, Germany, from 23rd to 26th October 2012, Ecopneus was nominated “Ambassador of asphalts modified with rubber from ELTs” for its constant effort for the spreading of this application of rubber from ELTs in Italy.
Together with Valorpneu and Signus (the main companies responsible for ELT management in Portugal and Spain), Ecopneus was a Gold Sponsor of the event. This event aims at promoting the spread of rubberised asphalts and sharing the experiences on the use of this advantageous application of ELTs.
The prize was awarded by the Rubber Pavements Association (RPA), a non-profit organization that promotes the widest possible diffusion of asphalts containing recycled rubber powder from ELTs at international level. RPA has been a leader in the sector of rubberized asphalt for over 25 years and it has the most complete library of scientific research and practical guides on rubberized asphalt.