The legislative area of the website of Ecopneus contains the main legislative points of reference that rule the activities and the responsibility of Ecopneus. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the main texts related to the End-of-Life Tyre guidelines in Italy.
Art. 228 of Decree Law 152/06
In order to optimise ELT recovery and reduce their creation also by the means of retreading, the tyre producers and importers are obliged to provide for the management of amounts of ELTs equal to the same amounts they have placed on the market for sale on the national territory. They are to carry out this obligation either individually or in associated form and at least once a year.
Read the text of the article 228 of the Decree Law 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and additions
Ministerial Decree 182/2019
The Decree n. 182 of 19th November 2019 of the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea came into force on 23rd April 2020 following its publication on the Official Gazette n. 93 of 8th April 2020.
In application of article 228, paragraph 2 of the Legislative Decree n. 152 of 3rd April 2006, the timing and modalities of management of End-of-Life Tyres (ELTs) have been redefined with the Ministerial Decree 182/2019 thanks to some ameliorative interventions of some aspects that, in the past years, practice has indicated as improvable areas. ELT management was previously subject to MD n.82 of 2001.
The main innovations introduced by MD 182/2019 make reference to:
- Classification of online tyre sales from abroad directly to Italian consumers (B2C from abroad), which have grown noticeably in the last decade.
- Better definition of the parties who can take on responsibility in a consortium both as constituting parties and as associates.
- A more careful definition of the obligations of the parties authorised to act on all the national territory and on all typologies of ELTs, with similar quotas per geographical areas, carrying on the collection based on the sequence of received requests, and without making any connection with brands and sales activities – thus guaranteeing the most complete separation between tyre sales and ELT management.
- Fairer and clearer identification of “individual” parties that operate on the national system of ELT management.
- Wider, more articulate and precise reporting to increase transparency towards the many stakeholders involved.
Read the full text of the MD n.182/2019 on the management of End-of-Life tyres in Italy
This text is meant merely as a documentation tool and has no legal effect.
Ecopneus does not assume any liability for its contents.
The authentic version of Ministerial Decree 182/2019 is the one published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic number 93 of April 8, 2020, directly accessible through the following link:
Il presente testo è un semplice strumento di documentazione e non produce alcun effetto giuridico.
Ecopneus non assume alcuna responsabilità per i suoi contenuti.
La versione del D.M. 182/2019 facente fede è quella pubblicata nella Gazzetta ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana numero 93 dell’8 aprile 2020, direttamente accessibile attraverso il seguente link:
Ministerial Decree of 7th March 2012 n 44
According to what stated in the Ministerial Decree of 11th April 2011 n. 82, which provides for the creation of a permanent consultation table on ELT management at the Competent Body, the Ministry of the Environment and of the Protection of the Territory and the Sea decreed the creation and the composition of the same Table with the Ministerial Decree of 7th March 2012 n. 44.
Read the full text of the Ministerial Decree of 7th March 2012 n. 44, on the website of
Other documentation
Important notification for tyre buyers
A rule introduced in summer 2015 extended the range of people who, by law, can be held responsible for waste management. It has been extended not only to those who have physically generated the waste, but also to those to whom waste production is “legally referable”. For what concerns tyre replacement, it means that even the person asking for tyre replacement (e.g.: the vehicle driver) may be held as co-responsible, as well as the already-responsible tyre dealer or the appropriately authorised workshop.
Continue reading “Tyre purchasing: important notification for consumers”
Circular letter n. 01/TRI of 17/10/2012, on how to respect the obligations of payment of eco-fees
On the modalities of application of eco-fees associated to tyres sold online by business entities residing abroad, please see the text of the parliamentary interrogation of Mr Ermete Realacci, MP and the answer of the Ministry of Environment.
The section End-Of-Life tyres on the website is the result of the cooperation of Ecopneus with, an online magazine specialised in legal issues of environmental nature, created and published by Edizioni Ambiente. On this website, it is possible to find a range of information and instructions characterised by attention to operative issues and to the rules and regulations of the world of End-of-Life Tyres.
Moreover, an area dedicated to ELTs containing the legislation of reference is present on the website of the Ministry of Environment, at the address