The recovery of large, medium and small End Of Life tyres

The collection of small, medium and large ELTs of Ecopneus in 2024

Tipology of ELTs Collected amounts
in tonnes, as of 31st July 2024
Small ELTs (< 33,25 kg)
Such as those for Motorbikes, Scooters, Quads, MP3s, Enduros, Automobiles, SUVs, LCVs, Caravans
Medium ELTs (from 33,25 kg to 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Trucks, Buses, Traction Units, Trailers
Large ELTs ( > 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Industrial, agricultural, earthwork
Watch also the data of large, medium and small ELT collection in 2023

The collection of small, medium and large ELTs of Ecopneus in 2023

Tipology of ELTs Collected amounts
in tonnes, as of 31st December 2023
Small ELTs (< 33,25 kg)
Such as those for Motorbikes, Scooters, Quads, MP3s, Enduros, Automobiles, SUVs, LCVs, Caravans
Medium ELTs (from 33,25 kg to 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Trucks, Buses, Traction Units, Trailers
Large ELTs ( > 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Industrial, agricultural, earthwork
Watch also the data of large, medium and small ELT collection in 2022

The collection of small, medium and large ELTs of Ecopneus in 2022

Tipology of ELTs Collected amounts
in tonnes, as of 31st December 2022
Small ELTs (< 33,25 kg)
Such as those for Motorbikes, Scooters, Quads, MP3s, Enduros, Automobiles, SUVs, LCVs, Caravans
Medium ELTs (from 33,25 kg to 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Trucks, Buses, Traction Units, Trailers
Large ELTs ( > 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Industrial, agricultural, earthwork
Watch also the data of large, medium and small ELT collection in 2021

The collection of small, medium and large ELTs of Ecopneus in 2021

Tipology of ELTs Collected amounts
in tonnes, as of 31st December 2021
Small ELTs (< 33,25 kg)
Such as those for Motorbikes, Scooters, Quads, MP3s, Enduros, Automobiles, SUVs, LCVs, Caravans
Medium ELTs (from 33,25 kg to 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Trucks, Buses, Traction Units, Trailers
Large ELTs ( > 147,25 kg)
Such as those for Industrial, agricultural, earthwork
(yearly collection target: 3.229 tonnes)

The management of the collection of small, medium and large ELTs

About 350,000 tonnes of tyres reach their end of life in Italy every year. They derive from the replacement of tyres of the circulating vehicles: the data highlight that about 30 million automobile tyres are placed on the spare parts market every year; moreover, another 2 million tyres for trucks, 3 million tyres of 2-wheeled vehicles, and over 300,000 tyres for the industrial and agricultural vehicles.

The latter represent a small quota compared to what is placed on the overall market: about 0.9%. However, by looking at the percentage in weight compared to the total, the quota goes up to over 4%. This is due to the large dimensions and subsequent weight of this typology of End-of-Life Tyres.

As it is easy to imagine, the characteristics of this typology of tyres require a high level of specialisation and technical equipment from the part of the companies that deal with tyre collection, transfer, and transport to treatment centres. They also require important management efforts to guarantee that all these End-of-Life tyres are correctly recovered all over Italy.

Finally, even the areas where large the End-of-Life Tyres are generated (farms, quarries, industrial sites) are usually located outside large urban centres or in places which cannot be easily reached. This makes their collection even more expensive and complex.

Also for these reasons, the effort of Ecopneus is even more important, as it guarantees ELT collection all over the national territory, small islands included, and their recovery and recycling from the part of the treatment companies part of the  Ecopneus chain.

Relationship between withdrawal requests received and requests processed

The map at the bottom of the page contains the data referring to the relationship between the ELT withdrawal requests entered into Ecopneus’ computer system by the spare parts operators (tyre dealers, service stations, garages) and the withdrawal requests processed by Ecopneus through its partner companies. Any deviations between the two values may be due to the way in which the ELT withdrawal requests are handled, as the withdrawal requests received may in some cases be handled in the following month. Visit also our page on the monthly trend of ELT collection to find out the data of Ecopneus’ ELT collection of ELTs month by month, for each Italian Region.

Valle d'Aosta Piemonte Lombardia Trentino-Alto Adige Friuli-Venezia Giulia Veneto Emilia Romagna Liguria Toscana Umbria Marche Abruzzo Molise Puglia Basilicata Calabria Sicilia Campania Lazio Sardegna

Relationship between the collection requests entered into the Ecopneus IT system and processed collection requests

Data updated as of 31st May 2024

Region Collection requests entered Processed collection requests Relationship  entered requests/ processed requests
Abruzzo 842 692 82%
Basilicata 246 183 74%
Calabria 625 486 78%
Campania 2.614 2.440 93%
Emilia-Romagna 2.179 1.717 79%
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 353 280 79%
Lazio 4.204 3.808 91%
Liguria 1.527 1.519 99%
Lombardia 5.122 4.283 84%
Marche 890 767 86%
Molise 224 207 92%
Piemonte 2.448 2.429 99%
Puglia 1.764 1.547 88%
Sardegna 782 628 80%
Sicilia 3.891 3.593 92%
Toscana 2.152 1.947 90%
Trentino-Alto Adige 641 432 67%
Umbria 336 256 76%
Valle d’Aosta 41 39 95%
Veneto 2.635 2.104 80%
TOTAL 33.516 29.357 88%
Find out more about the data referring to the collection requests received and processed in 2023

Relationship between the collection requests entered into the Ecopneus IT system and processed collection requests


Data updated as of 31st December 2023

Region Collection requests entered Processed collection requests Relationship  entered requests/ processed requests
Abruzzo 1.746 1.628 93%
Basilicata 650 510 78%
Calabria 1.680 1.311 78%
Campania 5.838 5.313 91%
Emilia-Romagna 4.659 4.074 87%
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 810 688 85%
Lazio 8.873 8.536 96%
Liguria 2.626 2.589 99%
Lombardia 11.609 10.655 92%
Marche 1.848 1.638 89%
Molise 474 446 94%
Piemonte 3.797 3.773 99%
Puglia 4.633 4.203 91%
Sardegna 1.651 1.415 86%
Sicilia 8.658 8.314 96%
Toscana 4.881 4.253 87%
Trentino-Alto Adige 1.361 1.252 92%
Umbria 600 559 93%
Valle d’Aosta 66 68 103%
Veneto 5.151 4.595 89%
TOTAL 71.611 65.820 92%
Find out more about the data referring to the collection requests received and processed in 2022

Relationship between the collection requests entered into the Ecopneus IT system and processed collection requests


Data updated as of 31st December 2022

Region Collection requests entered Processed collection requests Relationship  entered requests/ processed requests
Abruzzo 1.961 2.015 103%
Basilicata 624 762 122%
Calabria 2.038 2.209 108%
Campania 7.199 7.335 102%
Emilia-Romagna 5.685 5.796 102%
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 935 1013 108%
Lazio 10.335 10.211 99%
Liguria 2.670 2.653 99%
Lombardia 13.257 12.967 98%
Marche 2.082 2.181 105%
Molise 541 543 100%
Piemonte 3.530 3.462 98%
Puglia 5.587 5.779 103%
Sardegna 2.078 2.242 108%
Sicilia 7.946 7.976 100%
Toscana 5.544 5.877 106%
Trentino-Alto Adige 1.433 1.443 101%
Umbria 704 694 99%
Valle d’Aosta 81 81 100%
Veneto 5.297 5.545 105%
TOTAL 79.527 80.784 102%
Find out more about the data referring to the collection requests received and processed in 2021

Relationship between the collection requests entered into the Ecopneus IT system and processed collection requests


Data updated as of 31st December 2021

Region Collection requests entered Processed collection requests Relationship  entered requests/ processed requests
Abruzzo 1.625 1.592 98%
Basilicata 539 481 89%
Calabria 1.919 1.766 92%
Campania 5.933 6.089 103%
Emilia-Romagna 5.017 4.947 99%
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 1.025 884 86%
Lazio 6.920 7.110 103%
Liguria 2.510 2.491 99%
Lombardia 12.760 12.393 97%
Marche 2.226 2.108 95%
Molise 457 468 102%
Piemonte 4.348 4.300 99%
Puglia 3.082 2.982 97%
Sardegna 2.024 1.857 92%
Sicilia 5.347 5.346 100%
Toscana 4.462 4.528 101%
Trentino-Alto Adige 1.434 1.142 80%
Umbria 813 833 102%
Valle d’Aosta 175 177 101%
Veneto 4.869 4.268 88%
TOTAL 67.485 65.762 97%