2022 Ecopneus Sustainability Report: a concrete contribution to the Italian circular economy
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The management of End-of-Life Tyres (ELTs) in Italy represents an example of excellence at international level. Indeed, our Country has been able to set up a management system that has covered all the National territory in a short time. Moreover, since 2011, this system has guaranteed the collection and the recovery of 100% of the ELTs legally put on the spare parts market.
Today, the main objective for both the present and the future of our Country is to set up a circular economy. This is the keystone for the protection of natural environment and for an economy that looks to the future, making of sustainability a lever for development and new skilled jobs thanks to research and innovation.
Over 230,000 tons of End-of-Life Tyres were managed by Ecopneus in 2022. This extraordinary performance was over 20
percentage points above its legal target.
Over 200 thousand collection interventions have been carried out thanks to the daily work of a network of 100 companies located all over Italy. To these, one must add the activities for the emptying of historical stocks and the extraordinary collection activities of the ELTs abandoned in the territory of the Terra dei Fuochi, for a total of 395 tons of ELTs collected.
Thanks to the recovery activities of Ecopneus, in 2022 over 127 million euros have been saved on imports of virgin raw materials and the release of 599.354 tonnes of CO2 equivalent into the atmosphere has been avoided. Moreover, ELT recovery has allowed to save virgin raw materials and 1.5 million m3 of water.
Alongside the promotion of quality and efficiency in the ELT treatment chain, Ecopneus has actively supported the market of the recycled rubber applications, stimulating and incentivising the constant improvement of processes and of the products of the treatment. In ten years of activity, Ecopneus has destined over 2 million euros to Research & Development projects to favour the development of the market of the applications of recycled rubber, in terms of quality of the materials and widening the sectors of its application.
These are the main data of the Ecopneus Sustainability Report. To get to know them all, download the files clicking on the picture aside.
Archive of the Ecopneus Sustainability Reports
Here below, instead, are all the previous Ecopneus Sustainability Reports. The performances of the activities are reported looking at all the value chain. This allows to evaluate the contribution offered to the green economy that includes the effects that the goods and services produced by the organisation have onto the environment, the economy, and society within the scope of a life cycle approach.
Moreover, the stakeholders’ involvement is a priority and a qualifying element. It is Ecopneus itself that qualifies as an inclusive system, capable of activating a wide range of collaborations with a large group of subjects. The results of the open discussion with its stakeholders, the suggestions deriving from it, the elaboration of the strategies of the consortium are effectively developed in a shared way and they take into consideration the implemented consultation system in practice.