Together with the consolidation of the main applications for recycled rubber, thanks to Research and Development, Ecopneus is working to open new horizons to the potentialities of recycled rubber. In collaboration with MATREC new bonded materials are being experimented, where ELT recycled rubber is combined with other materials such as: leather, cork, fabric or wood. The aim is to widen the use range of recycled rubber from ELTs, for example: for furnishing, design, boats, building and giftware. Innovative materials with recycled rubber and thermoplastic materials are the ones created, instead, with the project Tyreplast in collaboration with IdeaPlast. It is aimed at creating new thermoplastic compounds at the service of the industry in the sectors of automotive, zootechnics, urban furnishing for technical products and many more.
Latest News
The circular economy of End-of-Life Tyres in Italy between opportunities and future challenges
The recent announcement of the EU member states puts the recycling chain and the circular economy of End-of-Life Tyres at risk in Italy
A new safety device for motorcyclists made with rubber recycled from ELTs
Over 230,000 tonnes of End-of-Life Tyres recovered by Ecopneus in 2022
The first time of Ecopneus at the annual meeting of ANCI: rubber recycled from End-of-Life Tyres is, once more, a strategic resource for Councils
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