The advantages of modified asphalts have been confirmed by over 50 years of research and international experiences. In Italy, however, they are still not widely used, mainly for a number of financial, cultural and legislative factors. Precisely to be able to break these barriers, Ecopneus has put great effort in the course of the years. On the one hand, it has supported new interventions and monitoring campaigns; on the other hand, it has raised awareness and spread technical information and scientific data. The series of technical dossiers created in collaboration with Universities and Research centres fall within this scope: the objective is to give “ready to use” technical information to all those who are responsible for designing, making and maintaining the road network, in order to facilitate the large-scale use of modified asphalts.
Modified Asphalts: a concrete solution for our roads, but still not fully exploited
11 Jul 2018 | Initiatives and events