In Antrodoco (RI), an innovative Tyrefield 3×3 basketball court made with recycled rubber will be donated by Ecopneus to the school that has won the Educational Project promoted in collaboration with Legambiente on the correct recycling of End-of-Life Tyres.
An innovative 3×3 basketball court made with recycled rubber from ELTs – End-of-Life Tyres – will be donated to the school that has won the contest “For a correct recycling of End-of-Life Tyres”. This is the Educational Project promoted by Ecopneus and Legambiente that has involved the high schools in the Region of Lazio with activities and class lessons linked to the correct recovery of End-of-Life Tyres.
The awarding ceremony was held online this morning, the 25th May. It was presented by journalist Luca Pagliari who took the students on a virtual journey to discover the advantages of the correct recycling of ELTs and the many applications of recycled rubber. But not only this: the event saw the participation of basketball champion, Gek Galanda, who told the students about his career and how it feels to play on the Tyrefield basketball courts made with recycled rubber.
The educational project has already involved over 10,000 students in 10 regions, from the North to the South of the Peninsula, with in-class lessons and activities. Alongside the training activities, a contest involved the students in the creation of a video with a message linked to the good practices for the correct recovery of End-of-Life Tyres. The works have been evaluated by a jury of experts composed of representatives of Legambiente, Ecopneus, The Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, who have selected and announced the finalist classes.
The Scuola Secondaria di I Grado Luigi Mannetti of the town of Antrodoco (RI) came first in the contest. As such, Ecopneus will award them an innovative Tyrefield 3×3 basketball court made with recycled rubber from End-of-Life Tyres. On this occasion, the donation of the sports surfaces and of the furniture made with recycled rubber for the Finalist schools of Region Marche that took part to the previous edition of the contest was made official. Indeed, the previous awarding ceremony had been postponed due to the pandemic.
“As Ecopneus, we have put great effort in training and awareness-raising activities aimed at students on the issues of recycling, legality, and environmental protection during the years – stated Giovanni Corbetta, General Manager of Ecopneus – In order to favour and support the culture of sustainability, it is fundamental to invest on the new generations. For this reason, we have promoted this important educational project with our partner of excellence, Legambiente, for years. This contest allows us to leave the students with a concrete piece of evidence of the benefits linked to the correct recycling of ELTs”.
“The circular economy is gradually becoming the field of innovation that indicates us what skills are needed to find the answers to this moment of health, environmental, and social crisis – declared Vanessa Pallucchi National Vicepresident of Legambiente – In this sense, the educational project proposed by Ecopneus and Legambiente during these two school years carried out in the conditions imposed by the pandemic has significantly contributed to offer keys to interpretation and action to the students that have participated. The project resilience tests have been important. Indeed, it has adapted to different situations without ever forgetting its educative objectives and the vision for a change towards sustainability”
The project promoted by Ecopneus and Legambiente has shown the students the concrete result of a correct management of End-of-Life Tyres: they are transformed into useful goods for everybody thanks to the contribution of the citizens and of all the subjects responsible for the management cycle up to ELT recycling, guaranteed by Ecopneus. The rubber obtained from the recycling of End-of-Life Tyres is a precious and high quality material. It is widely used all over the world to produce sports surfaces, synthetic turf football pitches, soundproofing materials, urban furniture, silent, long-lasting asphalts, or energy. These benefits are possible thanks to the efficient and performing ELT collection transport and recovery system set up by Ecopneus all over Italy.