With over 2.2 million tonnes of ELTs managed, Ecopneus is taking its results of 10 years of circular economy together with the new future scenarios of the recycling of End-of-Life Tyres at Ecomondo. The virtuous cycle of Ecopneus will be at the centre of a convention on 26th October at 15:00 hours. The new frontiers of the chemical recycling of ELTs will be discussed, instead, on Wednesday 27th October at 9:30.
The next edition of Ecomondo will be held in Rimini from 26th to 29th October. Ecopneus has chosen to close the celebrations for its 10 years of activity in the sector of the management of End-of-Life tyres at Ecomondo. In ten year of activity, Ecopneus has managed over 2.2 million tonnes of ELTs. This has brought a concrete benefit to both society and the environment, strongly promoting an ever greater use of recycled rubber in many applications useful for the sports sector, road infrastructure, urban furniture or as energy.
Federico Dossena, General Manager of Ecopneus, stated: “The system managed by Ecopneus has generated important benefits for our society, favouring a culture of recycling and sustainability. We are really proud to celebrate the important results of these 10 years of activity even at Ecomondo. Ecopneus promotes technological solutions whereby recycled rubber can concretely add value to many sectors and generate long-lasting benefits in terms of performances, costs, and environmental sustainability. We are currently working on the valorisation of new sectors and applications through constant Research and Development in particular in the sector of chemical recycling of End-of-Life Tyres and in the applications in the industrial sector”.
On 26th October, at 15.00, the convention: “10 years of Ecopneus. Places, stories, and people for a circular future” will be held at the Palco Hall Sud of RiminiFiera. It will celebrate the first ten years of activity of the system managed by Ecopneus assessing the results it has achieved through the voice of some of the protagonists of this adventure. Federico Dossena, General Manager of Ecopneus, Giovanni Corbetta, General Manager of Ecopneus from 2009 to 2021, Claudio Arcovito, Person Responsible for Sustainability and Social Policies of ANAS, Luca Andreoli, General Manager of Difesa Servizi, Stefano Ciafani, President of Legambiente, Giacomo Galanda, Federal Counsellor of the Italian Basketball Federation, and Tiziano Pesce, President of Uisp will take part in the debate. The meeting will be moderated by the environmental journalist, Stefania Divertito. The commemorative volume of the 10 years of Ecopneus will be presented during this convention.
On 27th October, at 09:30, the appointment will be with the convention “The new frontiers of the chemical recycling of End-of-Life Tyres” dedicated to the industrial use of secondary raw materials obtained from End-of-Life Tyres. Daniele Fornai, Person Responsible for the Operations of Ecopneus, Serena Sgarioto, Innovation Manager of Ecopneus, Riccardo Tuffi of ENEA, Celmira Sousa, Advocacy Manager Italy & Chemical Strategy for Sustainability of BASF, and Francesco Gallo, Director of Operations of Itelyum will take part in the convention. Ecopneus will also be present at Stand 36 in the South Hall of the Trade Fair every day. It will profit from this occasion to tell about all its projects, both the finished and the ongoing ones, as well as the new sectors of interest it will be playing a major role in.
Since 2011, Ecopneus has managed 2,220,090 tonnes of End-of-Life Tyres (equivalent to the weight of 20 super aircraft carriers), 130 thousand tonnes above its legal targets (+6% as an average every year). It has also carried out over 700 thousand collection missions at about 25 thousand tyre dealers spread all over the Italian territory. The action of Ecopneus has also intensely focused on the support of the market of the applications made with recycled rubber, stimulating and incentivising the constant improvement of the processes and the products of the treatment. In ten years of activity, Ecopneus has allocated over 13.5 million euros to R&D projects to favour the development of the market of the applications made with recycled rubber, in terms of quality of materials and expansion of the sectors of applications.
Thanks to the activity of recovery and recycling of Ecopneus, in 10 years of activity the emission of over 3.36 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent has been avoided (the equivalent of 1.9 million automobiles travelling 10,000 km in a year). Moreover, 3.3 million tonnes of virgin raw materials have not been extracted (the equivalent in weight to 325 Tour Eiffels), and 15.5 million m3 of water have been saved (an amount that is higher than the average daily water consumption of the whole Italian population). These benefits are to be added to the over 1.15 billion euros our Country has saved thanks to reduced imports of virgin raw materials.