Ecopneus invites you all to Ecomondo 2011, the International Fair for Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development, which will be held in Rimini from 9th to 12th November. Ecopneus will be at stand 102 in Pavilion B1 and will hold a conference entitled “Towards an ELT industry – Today and Tomorrow: synergistic aspects of developing an End-of-Life Tyre recycling economy” on Thursday 10 November.
The management system for the collection and recovery of end-of-life tyres now has new rules in Italy, following the recent publication of M.D. no. 82 of 11th April 2011: the system of local agreements between single operators has been replaced with an integrated national system with a view to making the ELT collection and recovery flows all over Italy uniform, traceable and certifiable. Ecopneus, the non-profit consortium set up by the leading tyre manufacturers operating in Italy to manage the recovery of their ELTs – intends to discuss the key points of the new system at the conference. Ecopneus and the other actors of the chain will illustrate the existing synergisms that will enable an ELT recovery industry to be developed rapidly, efficiently and effectively in Italy, discussing the issues with an approach based on the identification of possible solutions and opening an active debate on the growing opportunities related to the applications of the recovered material.
Download the programme of the fair