From 22nd to 23rd October at the Green Symposium, a number of webinars among Institutions and Consortia of both companies and citizens to make the point about the green economy in Italy in the light of the adoption of the European regulations for the circular economy.
Over 2 million tonnes of End-of-Life Tyres collected, recovered, and transformed by the Ecopneus chain have already become a source of wealth for our country
What is the scenario in which Italy has adopted the European legislation on the circular economy? The Green Symposium is the digital event promoted by Ecomondo and RiciclaTv held on 22nd – 23rd October. During this symposium, members of the national institutions and representatives of businesses and the civil society have highlighted the key issues of the national debate about the green economy: from the new European funding cycle to the lack of infrastructure; from recoveries to the new waste traceability. The cycle of online meetings has put online the best companies in the field of the green economy with the aim of laying the foundations for a concrete change towards sustainable models of economic development.
Also the General Manager of Ecopneus, Giovanni Corbetta, has taken part in the works within the scope of the webinar: “The role of Consortia and Business Associations in the transition processes on the aftermath of the EU legislations. Observations on the adoption scheme”.
The recycling of ELTs – End-of-Life Tyres- is a business sector that is playing a protagonist role in the sector of the circular economy. In Italy, in the course of the years, Ecopneus has put great effort into raising the quality of the End-of-Life Tyre treatment process. The objective is to obtain materials with a constantly growing quality that can be used in the sectors of road asphalts, sports installations, animals’ wellbeing, building, industry, and urban furniture, favouring the investments in the green economy chain.
Since 2011, the Ecopneus Chain has collected and treated over 2 million tonnes of ELTs. Of these, 130,000 tonnes were above their legal collection target. A virtuous chain that already allows to avoid the importation of virgin raw materials for over 140 million Euros as an average every year. This generates important environmental and financial benefits.
As of today, the ELT management system can rely on an important tool such as the new End-of-Waste Decree for vulcanised rubber from End-of-Life Tyres. This decree will contribute to stabilise the activities of the companies of the chain with uniform criteria and procedures all over the national territory. At the same time, it will valorise the materials leaving the treatment plants, and facilitate their placement on the market.
This is a measure in line also with the European recovery strategy set out by the European Commission. Indeed, they have announced that 37% of the monies of the Recovery Fund made available with the Next Generation EU plan will have to be used for projects of environmental sustainability and for the reaching of the New Green Deal objectives.