Ecopneus is competing for the Recircle Awards. It has been shortlisted for the category “BEST PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN”, for the advertising campaign” the greatest invention after the wheel”.
The Recircle Awards, are promoted by Autopromotec 2021 and by the prestigious magazines of the B2B sector, Retreading Business and Tyre & Rubber Recycling. It is the awarding event dedicated to innovation, production processes, management, and sustainable services within the scope of the sectors of tyre reconstruction and recycling. The initiative was born to valorise and reward the contribution of both companies and individuals that are part of the tyre production, reconstruction, and recycling sectors and that contribute to the development of the Country’s circular economy with their activities.
The winner will be chosen by the members of the public, who will be able to vote online , and will be announced on 15th March 2021.
The recycling of ELTs – End-of-Life Tyres, is a business sector that is constantly growing and playing an ever important role as a protagonist in the sector of the circular economy. Nowadays it is worth over 60 million euros and employs over 900 people directly. In Italy in the course of the years, Ecopneus has put great effort in raising the quality of the End-of-Life Tyre treatment process with the aim of obtaining materials with a constantly growing quality. These materials are then used in the sectors of road asphalts, sports installations, animals’ wellbeing, building, industry, and urban furniture, favouring the investments in the green economy chain.
Over 2 million tonnes of ELTs have been collected and recycled by the Ecopneus chain since 2011. Of these: 130,000 over the legal target set for Ecopneus. The Ecopneus chain is virtuous and, as of today, it already allows to avoid the importation of virgin raw materials for over 140 million euros as an average every year. This leads to important environmental and financial benefits.
In 2019 alone, thanks to the recovery and recycling activities of Ecopneus, 371,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent were not released into the atmosphere (this is equivalent to 210,000 automobiles travelling 30,000 km/year). Moreover, the consumption of almost 1.5 million m3 of water was avoided (a volume equivalent to the daily average consumption of over 5 million citizens), as well as the use of over 337,000 tonnes of virgin raw materials (equal to the weight of 690 high-speed Frecciarossa trains). In 2019, Ecopneus redistributed a financial value equal to 56.5 million euros. 87% of this value was distributed among the companies of the chain to cover the collection, transport, treatment, and recovery costs of ELTs.