On December 31st, 2014, contracts between Ecopneus, the main responsible of ELT management in Italy, and companies assignee of existing supply contracts, will expire.
For that reason, on March 24th the registrations for the period 2015-2017 will start for companies interested in collaborating with Ecopneus for activities of collection/storage, shredding/grinding and transport of ELTs or their derived materials.
Registrations on Ecopneus website for interested companies are VOLUNTARY and FREE-OF-CHARGE, so that they can be admitted to telematic tenders, if complying with the necessary requirements.
Tenders will be conducted through an e-procurement platform managed by a third party Company, so as to guarantee the necessary equal treatment, non-discrimination, transparency requirements.
The first tenders were carried-out in 2011, and on that occasion operators were selected for the starting period (2011-2012); in 2012 Ecopneus defined the procedures to identify the partners for the two-year period 2013/14, with an increase of registered companies.
The registration process of companies, a necessary and compulsory procedure to enter the following selection and telematic tender phases, is a crucial point for the whole functioning of the consortium national organisation. Actually it is in this phase that Ecopneus gets in contact with all the hundreds of chain operators, building the necessary base for the following selection of the best operators, as far as the technical and authorisation profile is concerned.