Convention Ecopneus 2019

The Ecopneus Convention of the operators of the chain has been held in Rome. Over one hundred people represented the companies that carry out activities of transport, storage and shredding of End-of-Life tyres on behalf of Ecopneus and of some companies that use the rubber obtained from the recovery of ELTs, in particular in the sector of sports installations and in the cement sector (in the latter, rubber is used as an alternative fuel in cement factories with excellent energetic and environmental performances). The programme was dedicated to the topics of the quality of the chain and of the products as well as to the importance of networking. Indeed, networking is fundamental both for the development of new market opportunities for recycled rubber, and to consolidate a sector which currently employs over 700 people and produces environmental benefits for the community. The programme has seen the presence of Valerio Rossi Albertini, a Professor, CNR (National Italian Research Institute) researcher and known television populariser. Albertini talked about complex issues such as greenhouse effect and climate change with very simple and effective examples, thus highlighting the role of Ecopneus in reducing the carbon and material footprint by the means of ELT recycling. All this goes to the benefit of the environment, as a perfect example of circular economy.