Over 3.400 tons of End of Life Tyres piled up in a site in the municipality industrial area were collected
In Campania, in 2012, Ecopneus collected and recovered 21.500 ELT tons
The extraordinary collection operations of over 3.400 tons of End of Life Tyres (ELTs) lying since 2005 in the warehouse and the service area of a company, by now bankrupt, responsible for the recovery of non-dangerous wastes in the industrial area of the municipality of Buccino, ended in the past weeks.
The facts linked to the site have been the subject, in the past years, of various actions put in place by the Municipal Administration, who identified the solution to the critical situation thanks to the involvement of Ecopneus, one of the organizations responsible from 2011, as a non-profit Limited Company, for the management of End of Life Tyres (ELT) in Italy.
Ecopneus manages ELT’s wastes deriving from the substitution operations within the replacement market, as set forth by the M.D. of April 11th, 2011, n.82. On an exceptional basis, it can make withdrawals from old stocks; this is allowed when such withdrawals contribute to achieving the recovery targets established by law, and when the conditions for an efficient after collection recovery exist. ELTs collection from the Buccino site represents this kind of collection, furthermore simplified by quick disposal operations, thanks to the logistic advantages offered by the territory and to the operators present. During the extraordinary collection, Ecopneus regularly carried out the usual collection and transport activities linked to ELT generated within the replacement market.
Entirely funded by Ecopneus, operations started last October 31st, and involved 13 partner companies: 3 transportation companies, who carried out 233 trips, moving tyres at 7 shredding plants and 3 recovery plants, where they have been transformed in material suitable for energy and material recovery.
“The extraordinary intervention at Buccino is part of the daily ELT collection throughout Italy, which is bearing excellent results either in terms of quantities collected at national level, or in terms of quantities related to Campania – Giovanni Corbetta, Ecopneus Managing Director stated – and integrates the strategy of a full and effective management of this precious material with numerous and very interesting applications”.
“In a few months, we succeeded in solving a long-lasting problem for the community, and for which it seemed there was no solution. Ecopneus intervention eliminated what had turned out to be an ecological bomb for the entire Buccino community and for the neighbouring territories – Buccino’s Mayor Nicola Parisi -. Last January 13th, the City Coucil expressed, through a formal praise, its appreciation for the job done with accuracy, rapidity, and efficacy; an action driven forward by Ecopneus in the pursuit of transparency, legality, and utmost security”.
In 2012, thanks to the partnership with treatment plants and collection and transportation companies all over the country, Ecopneus has been able to send over 240 million kg of ELT to the correct treatment, avoiding their discharge in illegal landfills or aside roads, and granting the correct energy and material recovery for public use (modified asphalts, sports surfaces, soundproofing panels, anti-trauma surfaces).
Of these quantities, 21.551 tons, were correctly treated and recovered in Campania only.
Province | 2012 collection in tons | % Regional Total |
Avellino | 1.453,15 | 7% |
Benevento | 1.241,97 | 6% |
Caserta | 2.708,01 | 12% |
Napoli | 7.831,86 | 36% |
Salerno | 8.316,86 | 39% |
Total | 21.551,27 | 100% |