The ELT Academy Ecopneusstarted in 2013 and is now on its 14thedition. It is an important training moment where the management of End-of-Life tyres is discussed with the Police Forces and Control Bodies with the belief that training, study and analysis on legality issues are fundamental elements for contrasting and repressing illegal and incorrect practices in this sector.
Giovanni Corbetta, General Manager of Ecopneus, stated that: “our mission is to track every ELT under our responsibility generated by its replacement with a regularly sold tyre and guarantee its recovery. However, there are illegal practices such as the off-the-books tyre sale which, damaging both the environment and the country’s economy, contrast with the virtuous actions that today allow Italy to correctly deal with 100% of End-of-Life Tyres generated in the legal sale and installation channels”.
Ecopneus collected 29,765 tonnes of End-of-Life Tyres in Lombardy in 2017, an amount equal to over 3,300,000 single automobiletyres. These were transformed in recycled rubber for football pitches, sound insulation elements, silent asphalts or energy.
The collection in the Region was carried out in almost 4,000 ELT generation points such as: tyre dealers, service stations, workshops, and fleets. Analysing in detail each province, at the first place there is Milan with7,946 collected tonnes, Varese with 4,106 tonnes, Brescia with 3,913 tonnes, Bergamo 3,520 tonnes, Monza and Brianza 2,347 tonnes, Pavia 1,579 t, Como 1,557 t, Lecco 1,055 t, Cremona 1,033, Sondrio 992, Mantua 862 and Lodi with 856 tonnes.