The National Centre for Sustainable Development “Il Girasole” of Legambiente in Rispescia (GR) will host a two days’ training course promoted by Ecopneus to get to know acoustics and learn to build sound educational workshops.

The choice of the location is not casual. Indeed, thanks to Ecopneus, the Auditorium inside of the Centre, the ex-church Enaoli, was acoustically renovated in 2014. 36 sound-absorbing panels in recycled rubber from ELTs and other post-consumption recyclable materials were used. The workshop was created thanks to the contribution of Ecopneus and the training activities were carried out by the Engineering Firm VIE EN.RO.SE., partner of Ecopneus, on the topics of acoustics. They have also developed and carried out the acoustic requalification project.

The course “From sound landscapes to the designing of a theatre” will start on Friday 9thFebruary at 9,00h and will end on Saturday 10that 16,00h, for an overall duration of 16 hours. The lessons will talk about acoustics, sounds and noise, music, and voice. They will be held by teachers of acoustics and diction and by professional actors. The lessons will take place inside the auditorium of the Enaoli, with active and experience-based involvement of the students who will be able to experiment the characteristics and the wonders of applied acoustics.

To know the details of the programme, register or more information, please visit: