As already mentioned in a previous note, on December 31st, 2014 contracts between Ecopneus and assignees companies of contracts related to Transport site to site activities presently in existence will expire.
Contrary to what originally forecast and aiming at better optimising the routes to be listed in the Transport site to site tender, it has been decided to move its opening to September 22nd, 2014.
Interested companies can VOLUNTARILY and FREE-OF-CHERGE register in the Operators Area of Ecopneus website to be later admitted to the telematic tenders, if having the necessary requirements.
Tenders will be carried out through a telematic e-procurement portal whose management is delegated to an independent body, so as to guarantee the necessary requirements of equal treatment, non discrimination and transparency.
The first tenders took place in 2011 and in that occasion operators for the starting period (2011-2012) were selected; in 2012, which saw an increase of registered companies, Ecopneus selected the chain operators for the two-year period 2013/14: the companies’ registration process is a crucial point for the whole functioning of the consortium’s domestic organisation, and a necessary and compulsory procedure to access to the next steps of selection and telematic tender.
In fact, it is during such a phase that Ecopneus enters in contact with all different hundreds of chain operators, building the necessary base for further selection of the best operators, from a performance, authorisation and economic point of view.