The stops

18 stops from 2013 to today. Thousands of representatives of the Security Forces, Control Bodies, and the Public Administration have been trained and thousands of technical and information brochures and materials have been so far distributed all over Italy.

In 2018 the meetings were organised under the patronage of ISPRA (Istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale – Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and of Regional ARPAs (Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale – Regional Agency for Environmental Protection). In the course of the years, the meetings have seen the presence of important legal experts, members of the Institutions, and of the associative and industrial world.

Indeed, Ecopneus has always paid great attention to training, both with reference to the younger generations and to those technical figures who are daily committed to the issues related to the management of End-of-Life tyres on the territory.



8° step ELT Academy Ecopneus – Florence, 16th July 2015

Organised in collaboration with Legambiente Tuscany and under the auspices of ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research). Among the others, also Marta Ciampelli (Deputy Commissioner of the Investigative Department of the State Forestry Corps of...

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7° step ELT Academy Ecopneus – Udine, 20 March 2015

Under the auspices of the Province Udine, ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia and organised in collaboration with Legambiente FVG. Among the others, also Franco Lenarduzzi (Provincial Councillor of Udine), Pietro Fontanini MP (President of the Province of Udine) and...

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5° step ELT Academy Ecopneus – Rome, 7th October 2014

Promoted in collaboration with Legambiente Lazio and under the auspices of ARPA Lazio. Among the others, also Corrado Carrubba (extraordinary Commissioner of ARPA Lazio) and Luca Ramacci (Magistrate Councillor of Cassation of the Republic and administrator of the...

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4° step ELT Academy Ecopneus – Bari, 22nd July 2014

Promoted in collaboration with Legambiente Puglia. Among the others, also Giovanni Barchetti (Assessor to the Environment of the Province of Bari) and Luigi Scimé, (Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic at the Courts of Justic of Trani) took part to the event. [gallery...

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