Refibre is a LIFE project co-financed by the European Community entitled: “Recycling of textile fibres from end-of-life tyres for the production of new asphalts and plastic compounds”. The REFIBRE project is co-ordinated by Steca spa, a company in the Province of Fermo that is a partner of Ecopneus. This project aims at industrially reusing the textile fibres derived from the recovery of ELTs (End-of-Life Tyres).
The project has almost ended, and the final workshop was held on 5thJuly 2018. During this workshop the results of the project were presented. Also Daniele Fornai, Innovation Manager of Ecopneus took part in the workshop with a presentation about: “End-of-Life Tyre recycling: scenarios of use of the recycled materials and the unexpressed potentials of the Italian chain”.
Download Daniele Fornai’s presentation.
The use of recycled materials in road infrastructure represents one of the possibilities with greater development potential for the sector, thanks to the advantages in terms of greater road surface performances and a positive environmental impact.
Ecopneus è anche partner del progetto LIFE Nereide che punta a realizzare pavimentazioni stradali ottimamente strutturate e fonoassorbenti grazie all’impiego intelligente di polverino di gomma riciclata e fresato d’asfalto. Gli obiettivi del progetto sono di ottenere pavimentazioni che consentano una riduzione del rumore generato dal passaggio dei veicoli fino a 5dB, aumento dell’aderenza su strada del 20%, riduzione del 30% dell’inquinamento atmosferico, garantendo allo stesso tempo una vita utile più lunga alla pavimentazione stradale.
Ecopneus is also a partner of the LIFE Nereide project. This project aims at creating road surfaces which are very well structured and sound absorbing thanks to the intelligent use of recycled rubber powder and reclaimed asphalt pavements. The objectives of the project are: creating road surfaces which would allow a reduction of up to 5dB of the noise generated by the passage of vehicles; a 20% road grip increase; a 30% reduction of air pollution; guaranteeing a longer useful life to the road surface.
Pietro Leandri, Associated Professor at the University of Pisa and coordinator of the project, explains: “We concentrated on the study of environmentally sustainable innovative mixes, some of which contain high percentages of recycled materials. These mixes are, however, also to guarantee a longer life of the road surface. The management and maintenance of our roads have recently received much attention from the part of the media but also, and above all, from the scientific and academic world”.
The proceedings of the workshop that concluded the Refibre project can be found at the following link: Download proceedings
For more information about the activities, visit the section Project/works of the website (go to section)
More information about the project and its evolution can be found on the dedicated site: