Information for tyre manufacturers and importers: Ecopneus reduces from 20 to 10 tons the minimum quantity of tyres introduced in the domestic replacement market necessary for the subscription

The limit set for tyre manufacturers and importers to join Ecopneus is reduced from 20 to 10 tons of tyres introduced in the domestic replacement market during the previous year. All business operators subject to the obligations set forth in art. 228 of the M.D. 152/2006 (tyre manufacturers and importers) can freely join Ecopneus, as an alternative to other foreseen modalities, and agree upon the transfer to it of the responsibilities of the management of their ELT quantities. Such agreements foresee the purchase of at least one of Ecopneus’ share, thus becoming a Partner, together with the subscription of a service contract regulating all economic, commercial, and operative terms.

For further information visit Ecopneus’ website page under Operators’ Area: