Environmental safeguard, legality, beauty. Those are the pillars to build a better future on, in which each of us can and must participate. Those are the key points of the Luca Pagliari show promoted by Ecopneus in collaboration with the Sciacca Municipality, involving, this morning at the Auditorium S. Francesco in Sciacca, 300 secondary school student, the main protagonists of tomorrow’s Italy.
The show is in fact based on the contribution of kids, that over the past weeks, have been making a “video-journey” in the territory they live in, together with Luca Pagliari. By showing the love for their land, they start a dialog and a journey from Sciacca towards a plan and hope of a new future for the whole Italy. A future that must be thought of and chosen today by kids that will be adults tomorrow.
A journey started long time ago by Ecopneus, a non-profit company the main responsible for the collection and recovery of End of Life Tyres in Italy, with numerous activities aimed at students in Lombardy, Marche Piedmont, Puglia, Palermo, besides a project dedicated to students in the Land of Fires.
Today’s event continues this journey to support and stimulate the construction of a different future for our Country working with the young, called today to build such future. The Sciacca Mayor Fabrizio Di Paola, the Council Member of the Environment Gaetano Cognata, the Sen. Giuseppe Marinello President of the Commission of the Environment of Senate, Giovanni Corbetta Ecopneus Managing Director have been present at the event in the Auditorium S. Francesco.
In Sicily only, in 2013, Ecopneus collected and sent to recovery 17,285 tons of End of Life tyres, thanks to a free-of-charge collection system at over 2,000 tyre dealers, service stations, and mechanic’s workshops spread throughout the Region. The Province of Catania is the leader with over 5,400 tons sent to recovery, followed by Palermo, Messina and Agrigento. The collection data about the first quarter 2014 are in line with the collection target set by the Law, and are around 4,557 tons collected throughout Sicily.
From the Protocol for ELT collection from the Land of Fires, to the extraordinary collection operations from Old Stocks (sites of abandoned ELT spread all over the national territory and cleaned free-of-charge), Ecopneus has often concretely shown the ELT recovery virtuous cycle. ELT, if correctly treated, can be transformed from an environmental and a citizens’ health danger in case of fire, into rubber granule and powder, to become safer, more silent and more lasting roads, sports fields, soundproof materials and much more.
Therefore, Ecopneus’s experience shows that it is possible to act concretely to change the present and to build a better future for our Country, where environmental safeguard, legality and beauty are shared values and targets.