Ecopneus is the winner of the Eco and the City Giovanni Spadolini Prize for innovation. The prize was awarded on Saturday 9th at the Museum Casa Enzo Ferrari in Modena
Ecopneus wins the prestigious Eco and the City - Giovanni Spadolini Prize for innovation with the project “Noiseless Asphalts from Trentino”, aimed at publicizing the widest possible knowledge and diffusion about the advantages of asphalts modified with ELT recycled...
Next Monday starts in Scisciano the emptying of the “tyres’ cemetery”: 5,000 End-of-Life Tyres tons will be removed to recover the area
Yesterday, by formalising the agreement between Municipality and Ecopneus, after just three months from the signature of the Protocol for the extraordinaty collection of End-of-Life Tyres in the Fires Land, and from the start of the related activities, started also...
A recycled rubber playground in L’aquila old town centre
The new playground in L’Aquila old town centre will also have an ELT recycled rubber field. Started last September 18th, the rebuilding works foresee the substitution of most of the present games, and the installation of new ones, including those suitable to disabled...
Sport and environment for a sustainable Emilia reconstruction: in the area of Modena the PalaMedolla recycled rubber field was inaugurated
Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new multifunctional field in Medolla made with End-of-Life Tyres recycled rubber. A tangible example of sustainable reconstruction in the territories of Emilia hit by the earthquake sixteen months ago. The PalaMedolla field, this is the...
Presented today in Naples the campaign “I choose the right way” against the End-of-life tyres abandonment
The campaign against the abandonment of end-of-life tyres (ELT) was presented today in Naples; the campaign is promoted by the Ministry of the Environment in collaboration with Ecopneus – non-profit limited consortium engaged in ELT tracing, collection, and...
Ferrara a concrete and virtuous example of wastes short chain: a road section was made with asphalt containing End-of-Life Tyre (ELT) recycled rubber
Ferrara is more and more the forerunner in the environmental sustainability policies. In fact, thanks to the municipal administration commitment and to the awareness campaign promoted by Ecopneus, it was decided to use an asphalt containing End-of-Life Tyres recycled...
Ecopneus signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry for the Environment and local Authorities for and extraordinary ELT collection in the territories of Naples and Caserta Provinces
The memorandum Ecopneus has signed with the Ministry for the Environment and the local Authorities an operative protocol that formalizes the start of the ELT extraordinary collection operations in the territories of Naples and Caserta Provinces. The Memorandum...
The new training project on the management and recovery of End-of-Life Tyres starts from Castel Volturno
After the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding on the End of Life Tyres extraordinary collection in Naples and Caserta areas, Ecopneus and territory Authorities together for resource enhancement and illegality fight Hosted at the National Training...
Ecopneus Open Plants: the national information initiative about treatment and recovery of End of Life Tyres re-starts from Possagno
Ecopneus, thanks to its partnership with treatment plants and collection and transportation companies all over the country, has been able to send to the correct treatment about 7 million kilograms of End of Life Tyres in the first 5 months of 2013 in Veneto, thus...
At Autopromotec Ecopneus receives GIPA Excellence Trophy
The Limited Consortium honoured in the category “Respect of the Environment”. Today, on the occasion of the award ceremony of the GIPA Trophies hold at Autopromotec, Ecopneus has won the “Excellence Trophy” in the category “Respect of the Environment”. Ecopneus, a...